Yad Mordechai

6-second videos


After three successful years in which the Yad Mordechai brand led a culinary enrichment strategy on its line of products, it was decided to tell the brand's story of the long-standing relationship between the brand farmers, and nature. Yad Mordechai, however, is not a brand that sells "products from nature." Is a brand that sells products based on extensive agricultural knowledge that begins in nature – and ends on a plate.



We've identified the emerging trend in YouTube and Facebook: 6-second videos - a format adapted to competition for consumer attention and the viewing model of sponsored content. But how do you tell a story of nature and culinary in 6 seconds?
The result is before you. Do you feel nature in the plate?
Choosing the short videos strategy enabled the customer to reach very high levels of reach and frequency, through the YouTube Bumper tool as well as video promotion tools on Intesgram and Facebook. Thereby it effectively introduced the new message and language of the brand. Simultaneously, an external study of the campaign's performance showed that the understanding of the message and the brand values, as briefed, were able to be surpass parallel campaigns.
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